
7 must read books for aspiring marketing leaders

Luke Johnson
October 12, 2024

If you’re looking to step into a leadership role in marketing, you’ll need more than just tactical skills—you need to think big, strategically, and with a deep understanding of human behavior. Here’s the essential reading list to help you level up your marketing game and prepare for those leadership positions.

1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

You can’t lead in marketing without understanding human psychology.

Cialdini’s classic dives deep into why people say “yes” and how you can leverage these triggers to craft more effective marketing strategies. From reciprocity to scarcity, Influence gives you the psychology-based tools to drive action and influence customer behavior. If you can grasp these principles, you’re already halfway to being a more effective marketing leader.

Key takeaway: Learn how to ethically influence and persuade your audience using the timeless principles of human behavior.

2. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Every marketing leader needs to think like an innovator, and The Lean Startup teaches you how.

It’s not just about building products; it’s about how to validate ideas quickly, test your hypotheses, and iterate fast. Whether you’re leading a small team or managing a product launch for a big brand, applying lean thinking will help you stay agile, reduce waste, and pivot when needed.

Key takeaway: Adopt a growth mindset by running marketing experiments and adjusting strategies based on real data.

3. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries & Jack Trout

If you want your brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace, you need to master the art of positioning.

This book teaches you how to carve out a unique space in your customer’s mind, ensuring that your product or service stands out amid the noise. Every great marketing leader knows how to position their brand effectively to resonate with the target audience.

Key takeaway: Understand how to create a clear, distinct position for your brand that sticks with your customers.

4. This is Marketing by Seth Godin

Seth Godin is the marketing guru of our time, and in This is Marketing, he redefines what modern marketing should be about.

Spoiler: it’s not about shouting louder than the competition; it’s about creating value, building trust, and making a difference.

Godin’s approach is perfect for aspiring leaders who want to develop a long-term, human-centered marketing strategy.

Key takeaway: Learn how to create authentic, customer-centric marketing strategies that focus on building relationships, not just selling.

5. Made to Stick by Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Great marketing leaders know how to craft messages that resonate, and Made to Stick is your blueprint.

It’s all about creating ideas and campaigns that are memorable, impactful, and impossible to ignore. You’ll learn how to communicate in a way that makes your message stick with your audience, whether you’re launching a brand or leading a marketing initiative.

Key takeaway: Master the principles of “sticky” messaging—simplicity, surprise, and storytelling—that make your ideas impossible to forget.

6. Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

Storytelling is at the core of every successful marketing campaign, and Building a StoryBrand shows you how to clarify your message and connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Aspiring marketing leaders must learn how to make their customers the hero of the story, not just the brand. If you want to improve your communication, branding, and messaging game, this is the book for you.

Key takeaway: Learn how to use storytelling frameworks to create compelling narratives that draw customers in and convert them.

7. Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

Understanding how products move from early adopters to the mass market is critical for marketing leaders, especially in tech or innovation-driven industries.

Crossing the Chasm provides a roadmap for scaling new products and services successfully. If you’re looking to lead a team through a product launch or growth phase, this book is essential.

Key takeaway: Master the art of marketing and selling new technologies by bridging the gap between early adopters and mainstream customers.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a marketing leader isn’t just about mastering the tools of the trade—it’s about strategic thinking, understanding your audience, and continuously learning.

These seven books will provide the foundation you need to develop your marketing leadership skills and prepare you for the challenges ahead. So, grab a cup of coffee, dig into these must-reads, and start leveling up!