
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Still relevant?

Luke Johnson
October 12, 2024

If you’re into marketing, sales, or even just curious about why people make the decisions they do, you’ve probably heard of Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It’s one of those books that marketers swear by – and for good reason.

But here we are in 2024, where AI is taking over, social media algorithms rule our attention, and personalised ads follow us everywhere.

So, the big question is: Is Cialdini’s Influence still relevant today?

Spoiler alert: YES, it absolutely is.


Because while the platforms and tools have changed, one thing hasn’t: human psychology. We might be living in a digital-first world, but the way our brains process influence and persuasion hasn’t evolved as fast as technology has.

Let’s dive into why this 40-year-old book is still a game-changer for marketers today.

The Six Principles of Influence: They’re Timeless

Cialdini built Influence around six core principles that explain why people say “yes.” And guess what? These principles still work like a charm today because they tap into the fundamental ways humans behave.

  1. Reciprocity: People feel obligated to return favors. Think of free trials or lead magnets. Ever wonder why you’re more likely to buy something after someone gives you a freebie? That’s reciprocity in action. It’s still the backbone of email marketing, freemium models, and every “free gift with purchase” ad you see online.
  2. Commitment and Consistency: Once someone makes a small commitment, they’re more likely to stick with it. It’s why getting someone to sign up for your newsletter can be the first step toward them buying your product later. This is the psychology behind customer retention strategies and why subscription models kill it in 2024.
  3. Social Proof: We look to others to see what’s popular, and nothing screams influence like the flood of reviews on Amazon or the “Best Seller” tags on your favorite e-commerce site. In 2024, social proof has evolved into influencer marketing, UGC (user-generated content), and even those helpful “500,000+ users trust our product” lines you see on landing pages.
  4. Authority: People trust experts, and it’s why influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders still drive sales. Whether it’s a blog post by an industry expert or a tech review from a well-known YouTuber, authority remains one of the top ways to influence purchasing decisions.
  5. Liking: If we like someone, we’re more likely to say yes to them. This is the heart of social media marketing today. People follow influencers, engage with brands they “connect” with, and buy from those who feel relatable. Personality-driven branding has never been more important.
  6. Scarcity: FOMO (fear of missing out) is alive and well. Limited-time offers, exclusive product drops, and countdown timers on sales pages? They still work wonders because scarcity triggers that primal urgency in us. Whether it’s a Black Friday deal or a “last call” on tickets for an event, scarcity is one of the most powerful tools in modern digital marketing.

Technology Has Changed – Human Behavior Hasn’t

Here’s the deal: The mediums of influence may have evolved, but the human brain? Not so much. We’re still wired to respond to these principles the way we always have. The only difference is the tools we use to deliver them.

In the 80s, you’d see these principles at work in print ads, TV commercials, and direct mail campaigns. Today, it’s social media ads, personalized emails, chatbots, and even AI-driven content.

The platforms have changed, but the psychology behind persuasion hasn’t budged.

Take social proof, for example. Back in the day, it might’ve been a testimonial in a brochure. Today, it’s the number of Instagram followers or the reviews section on an e-commerce site.

Same principle, just a different format. The digital space has just made it easier to scale influence.

Why Influence Matters More Than Ever in 2024

Let’s get real for a second. The noise online is deafening. Consumers are bombarded with ads, content, and offers everywhere they look.

Brands that can harness the principles of influence ... are the ones winning the game.

Standing out isn’t just about having a great product or service anymore – it’s about how well you can influence people.

In 2024, persuasion is not just about showing up where your customers are – it’s about tapping into the psychology behind why they act.

With competition fiercer than ever, the brands that can harness the principles of influence in their marketing strategies are the ones winning the game.

Here’s why it still matters:

  • AI and Automation: We have more data on consumer behavior than ever before. But while AI can help target the right audience, it can’t change the basic principles of human behavior. You still need to use things like reciprocity, authority, and scarcity to motivate action.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are built on the principle of social proof. The more likes, shares, and engagement you get, the more visible your content becomes. Cialdini’s insights into how people follow the crowd are basically written into the algorithm now.
  • E-commerce: Ever wondered why Amazon pushes “limited stock” or “only 3 left”? That’s scarcity in action. Even with all the tech advancements in e-commerce, human psychology still plays a massive role in what we buy and why..

In Conclusion: Cialdini’s Influence Is Still a Must-Read in 2024

Here’s the bottom line: If you’re in marketing, sales, or even trying to build your personal brand, Robert Cialdini’s Influence is still 100% relevant in 2024.

The principles he laid out are timeless because they’re based on the way humans think and behave – and let’s be real, we don’t evolve that fast.

Sure, the platforms, tools, and tactics have changed, but the psychology behind influence hasn’t. If anything, understanding these principles is more crucial than ever because we’re constantly surrounded by persuasive messaging.

The businesses that get this are the ones leading the charge in a hyper-competitive, digital-first world.

So, whether you’re trying to get more sales, grow your audience, or just want to know why you keep adding things to your cart during a flash sale (yeah, that’s scarcity working its magic), Influence is still your go-to playbook for success.